Thursday, February 26


i wrote half a post about the book that i said i would talk about.
but then i hated half of the half of a post i wrote and didn't feel like doing anything to make me hate it any less.  so naturally i bailed and posted nothing on wednesday like i said i was going to try super hard to do.  and now it's thursday and of course i came here and stared at the taunting cursor and absolutely was going to fix the book post that i half-hated but then didn't have the motivation so naturally i looked at my phone and forgot that i had given shitler all his birthday presents a week early.  and i also forgot that it wasn't too long ago that shitler said i was terrible at giving him presents.
but he can no longer say that.



take THAT shitler and your accusations that i give terrible gifts!  huzzah!
also it was totally a deal.  $32 on amazon?  DEAL.

and also yesterday morning shitler got mad at me and accused me of spending too much money and that every day he comes home and there's a new package.  and i was like "that's not true."  and then when we came home later that night there was a package from partylite waiting by the door and he just turned and shot me a dirty look.  thanks a lot, partylite.

but also i ordered some delightful legwarmers from groopdealz last week and my inner commentary was all "shit when those get delivered it will not help my case about how i totally don't spend too much money and also that there isn't something new delivered every day."  and then the following textual conversation happened and all was right in the world because compromising works.

and i'm totally going to work on un-hating that book post.
holler back.

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