Tuesday, February 3

snapchat snapshots

there was some sort of blizzard type thing that happened a couple of days ago here in the midwest.
the snow piled up quite nicely and shitler forbid me to drive because of a previous incident (of which i will discuss later this week because it's still highly embarrassing).  so naturally i camped out on the couch for approximately nine hours and played cooking fever and binge watched the final season of parenthood (which i'm still emotional about and no i don't want to discuss it because i will burst into tears).  but also cooking fever.  it's taken over my life and shitler is constantly ridiculing me because i can't stop playing it and it usually leads me to ignoring/tuning shitler out and he doesn't like that one bit because he's a real attention whore.  which leads us to shitler repeatedly sending me snapchats on sunday while i was playing cooking fever.  which is rude because it kept popping up in the middle of my levels and it would frustrate me and shitler would gleefully smirk because he only wants me to fail at my cooking fever levels.

ladies (and some gentlemen that i know that read this) - my husband and his snapchat drawings of me.


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