i'm not even exaggerating. if i leave my house i end up doing something terrible to my liver. if people come to my house i end up doing something terrible to my liver. it's best for all involved if i hole up in the living room and watch television shows that shitler judges me for watching and not communicate with anyone.
and this weekend was no different. it involved copious amounts of alcohol, reading the second and third fifty shades of grey books (again) in less than 48 hours, and letting people write "YOLO" on me.
i'm really not good at learning lessons.
here's a photo recap. enjoy or destroy.

and i know that people are annoyed with that damn "YOLO" expression, but it's really the best possible thing to respond to anything with. seriously.
you really shouldn't drink that second bottle of wine. it's tuesday. "YOLO."
is that pizza on your diet? "YOLO."
you have to go to work today. "YOLO."
you skipped the gym again? "YOLO."
you're honestly putting bacon on that? "YOLO."
have you done anything today besides lay on the couch and watch game of thrones? "YOLO."
you honestly bought a gun mug? "YOLO."
are you going to put pants on today? "YOLO."
do you ever do anything? "YOLO.
i'm aware that all those things sound like something shitler would say to me.
or has said to me.
i will neither confirm nor deny.
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