and i'm happy to report that i still have all of my fingers and they haven't been sewn together. so in my opinion - even if i didn't have anything to show for my endeavors - i'm still winning.
so here's my baby.
i haven't named her yet. i'm taking suggestions.
[caption id="attachment_788" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="she's so damn good looking."]

i've been to joann fabrics two, too many times and spent far too much money.
it may or may not be my new favorite place.
[caption id="attachment_789" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="some of my haul."]

here are my first two projects. they took me forever. mainly because i'm terrible at re-threading the machine and have to have lincoln do it for me.
he gets real annoyed.
[caption id="attachment_792" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="here's a placemat i'll never use. but it's cute."]

[caption id="attachment_796" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="a seat cushion for my ass. because that chair is damn uncomfortable."]

i've been mildly successful. and i like that.
i've got a lot on my list of things to make.
more placemats.
weird things for the cat to wear.
the opportunities are endless. well. there is a limit. because i'm not good and my projects still tend to look like shit.
Shannon...I realize I am a wierd Auntie, but I think the placemat is very pretty! Maybe that's because I am old!! Hahaha! I wish I had all your talent! But, being I am a stylist I may cut the crap out of the fabric! Haha! That was so corny! I just like replying to these posts! I wish I was famous like you! :)