Wednesday, June 19

i could never build a good enough case to prove that i'm actually an adult.

i'm going to try and get my shit together at some point and write like anything of substance.
but in the meantime here's a bunch of vine videos shitler and i made last night.
after we over-served ourselves.

also - in celebration of all kinds of marriage advice i'm going to give you some.
even though i'm not married.
don't ever stop getting drunk together.
you're welcome.

we need to grow up.
p.s. i don't know what my vine username is.  because i'm remedial.  help me.

Gin and Bare It


  1. Ha! So entertaining.

    Now excuse me while I go watch the last one over & over again. I crack up every time you ask him who said he was a bitch & his epic response is "Imma fucking kill em". Talk about escalating quickly lol.

  2. You need to figure that shit out because I tried finding you and I can't....

  3. Don't ever stop getting drunk together is some of the wisest advice I've damn near ever heard.

  4. Bahahaha. These are amazing. I seriously laughed so hard.
    'Who is shitler' lol
    'Why are you a dick?'
    These were I favorites

  5. Loved your advice I will follow it to a T!

  6. Growing up is for losers.

  7. According to your vine profile its just Shannon. But I found you via searching my twitter followers.

  8. You guys have sooo much fun it seems- nice!

  9. If you can be drunk and lovey together, you have something realllllllll good going on. <3

  10. THESE ARE SO CUTE! #vom But really though. SO CUTE!

  11. I tried to describe to my husband what vine was last night and he looked at me like I was a special ed kid, it's like uh twitter like uh instagram but uh videos.

  12. If you only saw Bill and I interact...


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Copyright © gin and bare it: i could never build a good enough case to prove that i'm actually an adult.