Tuesday, January 8

'tis the season for shitler to be gone every weekend and for me to love my couch more than i already do.

so winter in casa de shitler means all i hear about is ice fishing 
and ice drinking and snow mobiles and beer and bullshit.

BUT this season also usually means shitler is out of my hair like 
all damn weekend doing all of the above.  so that's a plus.

but anyway here's a weekend recap.
it's ok if you don't care.
because i don't really care either.

spoiler alert - it was cold out.

baby b - raging on the ice with that concerned face

triple biffles.

introducing these guys.  long time readers, real time friends.

clean your damn dirty hole

such a damn weirdo

sidenote.  i was sick this weekend.
like explosively so - if you know what i mean.

also - who has a radio show?
because i really want to call it and be all:
"long time listener, first time caller."

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  1. omg. You are the shit in my book.

    and big tony looks scary. HA!

    hot ass? the trots? mylanta!!

  2. OH MY GOD BABY. She is extra adorable in that picture! Eff. Also. I'm glad your asshole has recovered. XOXO

    1. isn't she?! bundled up she just waddled around the ice like a baby penguin. which was fitting - considering the hat.

  3. Sorry you were shitting yourself. I'm thinking having 'splosiv rhea in the middle of a frozen lake doesn't sound fun...

  4. Oh looks like fun! I found your blog through the blog hop. I'm a new follower. Hope you'll stop by sometime!


  5. Oh, c'mon... You can't post a partial picture of a snowmachine! I have to see what it is!


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Copyright © gin and bare it: 'tis the season for shitler to be gone every weekend and for me to love my couch more than i already do.